How long is a typical Therapy session and what does Therapy look like?


Most sessions last between 40-60 minutes, depending on the age of the child and the number of targets being worked on. Typically we put some time aside to speak with parents about progress.

The type of therapy offered will depend on a number of factors, including the child’s age and condition referred for. In some cases the Therapist will work directly with a child or client, working on specific targets. At other times Therapy will take the form of modelling best practice engagement and interaction strategies to parents so they can best make a connection with their child and support their communication development in a natural way. Therapy in these situations will look more like coaching.

In all cases, we expect there to be parental involvement in Therapy. Parents are best placed to support their children’s communication development under the guidance of the Therapist given their strong emotional bonds and frequencies of interactions.

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